Battery Charger Calculator
About Battery Charger Calculator
The Battery Charger Calculator helps estimate the maximum time required to fully charge a battery based on its capacity and charging current.
This is crucial for designing efficient charging circuits and ensuring optimal battery performance.
The charging time is calculated as:
$$ MTFC = \frac{(BC / CRC) \times 10}{10} $$
Considering efficiency losses, the charging time increases:
- 10% efficiency loss: $$ MTFC_{10\%} = \frac{(BC / CRC) \times 11}{10} $$
- 20% efficiency loss: $$ MTFC_{20\%} = \frac{(BC / CRC) \times 12}{10} $$
- 30% efficiency loss: $$ MTFC_{30\%} = \frac{(BC / CRC) \times 13}{10} $$
- 40% efficiency loss: $$ MTFC_{40\%} = \frac{(BC / CRC) \times 14}{10} $$
- MTFC: Maximum Time to Full Charge (hours)
- BC: Battery Capacity (Ah)
- CRC: Charge Rate Current (A)
Example Calculations
Example 1
- Battery Capacity (BC): 2000 mAh = 2 Ah
- Charge Rate Current (CRC): 1 A
Using the formula:
$$ MTFC = \frac{(2 / 1) \times 10}{10} $$
Result: $$ MTFC = 2 \text{ hours} $$
With 10% efficiency loss:
$$ MTFC_{10\%} = \frac{(2 / 1) \times 11}{10} = 2.2 \text{ hours} $$
Example 2
- Battery Capacity (BC): 5 Ah
- Charge Rate Current (CRC): 2 A
Using the formula:
$$ MTFC = \frac{(5 / 2) \times 10}{10} $$
Result: $$ MTFC = 2.5 \text{ hours} $$
With 30% efficiency loss:
$$ MTFC_{30\%} = \frac{(5 / 2) \times 13}{10} = 3.25 \text{ hours} $$
Example 3
- Battery Capacity (BC): 1500 mAh = 1.5 Ah
- Charge Rate Current (CRC): 0.5 A
Using the formula:
$$ MTFC = \frac{(1.5 / 0.5) \times 10}{10} $$
Result: $$ MTFC = 3 \text{ hours} $$
With 40% efficiency loss:
$$ MTFC_{40\%} = \frac{(1.5 / 0.5) \times 14}{10} = 4.2 \text{ hours} $$