Op-Amp Voltage to Current Converter Calculator

Op-Amp Voltage to Current Converter Calculator

Op-Amp Voltage to Current Converter Calculator


About Op-Amp Voltage to Current Converter Calculator

Op-Amp Voltage to Current Converter Calculator

This calculator estimates the output current of an op-amp voltage-to-current converter.
The converter produces an output current that is proportional to the input voltage divided by the input resistance,
with the negative sign indicating a phase inversion between the input and the output.


The output current is calculated as:

$$ I_{out} = -\frac{V_I}{R_1} $$


  • VI: Input Voltage (in Volts)
  • R1: Input Resistance (in Ohms)
  • Iout: Output Current (in Amperes, then converted as per desired unit)

Example Calculations

Example 1

  • Input Voltage: 5 V
  • Input Resistance: 10 kΩ

Using the formula:

$$ I_{out} = -\frac{5}{10\,000} = -0.0005\, A $$

Converted to µA, this is -500 µA.

Example 2

  • Input Voltage: 1000 mV (which is 1 V)
  • Input Resistance: 1 MΩ

Using the formula:

$$ I_{out} = -\frac{1}{1\,000\,000} = -1\times10^{-6}\, A $$

Converted to µA, this is -1 µA.